Capitalizing Carriers

The time has come to meet with a financing representative of the Brewer Corporation for confirmation of funds to pre-order a Fleet Carrier.  It’s a relatively quick meeting as my current balance at the Bank of Zaonce meets all the requirements with room to spare.  Apparently the business of selling exploration data to Universal Cartographics, as well as my new found love of Low Temperature Diamond mining, has been quite profitable.

The representative, Ms Bee Ter (or perhaps Bee Tar, I forget how she spells it), presents the current pricing plans for carrier and service purchase, together with the annual maintenance costs.  She graciously reminds me of the incidental costs associated with the deployment of a carrier, including the maintenance costs of each jump and the current market price of the Tritium fuel. 

Fleet Carrier Draft Purchase Order (based on 3306-05-12 pricing)
Carrier Operation Logs
Picture of Bow Lof Petunias

Bow Lof Petunias

Bow Lof Petunias is a player character in the galaxy of Elite Dangerous, specializing in long range exploration, cartography & prospecting. When he's not aboard his Fleet Carrier, the "DSSA Chrysaetos Refuge", this commander is a confirmed screenshot junkie, a random scribe and an occasional video creator.

“The 400B” was created using assets and imagery from Elite Dangerous, with the permission of Frontier Developments plc, for non-commercial purposes.
It is not endorsed by nor reflects the views or opinions of Frontier Developments and no employee of Frontier Developments was involved in the making of it.

Copyright © 8767128:1 Productions, 2016-2023.       The 400B